Case Study: Charity Fundraiser

  • Mar 12, 2024

The organizer of a charity fundraiser wanted to add an element of fun and excitement to their door prize giveaways. As each guest arrived, they were given a Mardi Gras Jubilee pen and instructions to keep the pen as it would be an integral part of the door prizes. Guests used the pens during the event to bid on silent auction items. At the end of the event, five prizes were given to people holding pink pens and the grand prize was given to the individual holding the purple pen. This was a unique twist on selecting the door prize winners and everyone received a pen as a token of the event. More awareness of their cause was created as the pen was used in homes, schools, office, and restaurants.

Source: Hub Pen Company

  • Category: Case Studies
  • Tags: case study, charity fundraiser, pen, prize